- dipper scoop
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English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
scoop — [n1] utensil, tool for shovelling bail, dipper, ladle, shovel, spade, spoon, trowel; concepts 493,499 scoop [n2] previously secret information that is suddenly public beat, exclusive, exposé, inside story*, news, revelation, sensation; concept… … New thesaurus
scoop — scooper, n. /skoohp/, n. 1. a ladle or ladlelike utensil, esp. a small, deep sided shovel with a short, horizontal handle, for taking up flour, sugar, etc. 2. a utensil composed of a palm sized hollow hemisphere attached to a horizontal handle,… … Universalium
dipper dredge — noun also dipper shovel : a floating dredging machine with a single machine operated bucket working on an arm * * * dipper dredge, a floating dredge that has a large scoop shovel or dipper that hangs on a chain from a derrick. Both the dipper and … Useful english dictionary
scoop — 1. noun 1) a measuring scoop Syn: spoon, ladle, dipper; bailer 2) a scoop of vanilla ice cream Syn: spoonful, ladleful, portion, lump, ball; informal dollop 3) informal … Thesaurus of popular words
scoop — noun a measuring scoop Syn: spoon, ladle, dipper Phrases: scoop out scoop up … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
scoop — Synonyms and related words: account, acquaintance, alveolation, alveolus, announcement, antrum, armpit, article, bail, basin, beat, bit, blue book, bore, bowl, brass tacks, briefing, bucket, budget of news, bulletin, burrow, butt, cavity, chip,… … Moby Thesaurus
dipper — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. scoop, ladle. See receptacle. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. ladle, cup, scoop, spoon, tablespoon, basin, pail, bucket, bail, pan, can, shovel, fork, pot, crock, bowl, glass, spatula, mug, jug, pitcher,… … English dictionary for students
scoop — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. scooper, ladle, dipper, spoon; slang, news, story, beat, lead, exclusive, dope (sl.). v. dig out, lade, hollow, rout, gouge, excavate; slang, beat out. See concavity. II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. ladle,… … English dictionary for students
dipper — dip·per || dɪpÉ™ n. ladle, scoop, device for dipping liquids; small water bird with a short tail that is able to dive into streams to feed; butterball, type of small duck native to North America; person who dips objects in a liquid (e.g.: in an … English contemporary dictionary
dipper — noun 1》 a stocky, short tailed songbird frequenting fast flowing streams and able to dive or walk under water to feed. [Cinclus cinclus and related species.] 2》 a ladle or scoop … English new terms dictionary
dipper — n ladle, ladler, scoop, spoon, shovel; bail, bailer, pail, bucket … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder